Calcimate® for Sheep
Calcimate® is a high calcium animal supplement made from clean limestone (>95% CaCO3). A sheep’s calcium requirements are affected by age, body weight, stage of production and environmental conditions. Their nutritional requirements also differ depending on their stage of production, including growth, pregnancy, lactation and wool production. To cater for these conditions, a sheep’s diet needs to be adapted accordingly. Growing lambs require sufficient calcium to support their growth and development. Adult ewes need adequate calcium for bone maintenance, muscle function and reproductive health including milk production.
Maintain normal levels of growth and metabolic systems
Maintain normal bone development in lambs
Supplement low calcium feeds and high-oxalate pastures
Feed Calcimate® Fine Limestone when sheep are not receiving calcium from natural sources i.e. grazing forage crops low in calcium, such as corn silage, grains, cereal hays and poor-quality grasses. Calcimate® can be fed all year round to assist in maintaining appropriate calcium levels for normal growth and maintenance, unless sheep are grazing legume pastures when sufficient calcium should be available.
WARNING: Excessive calcium can affect the availability of phosphorus. Ensure the calcium to phosphorus ratio is maintained between 2:1 to 1:1. Consult your nutritionist for advice specific to your flock.
Calcimate® can be dusted on pasture or fodder, mixed with supplementary feed, or made available on its own in a trough so sheep can consume voluntarily.
Disclaimer: All recommendations are general. For specific advice on nutrition and feed ratios consult your animal nutritionist or feed expert.